Growing the Gardening Community in Nova Scotia
Welcome to the Nova Scotia Association of Garden Clubs (NSAGC). We are over 60 clubs strong, representing gardeners right across our province. All of us at NSAGC are volunteers who are enthusiastic gardeners interested in encouraging and supporting our fellow gardeners. We aim to promote gardening activities, share our know-how with new gardeners and create opportunities to enjoy each other's company.
Our logo features the trailing arbutus, more commonly known as the Mayflower. It is not only the provincial flower of Nova Scotia but a flower which is indigenous to our woodlands. It emerges just as the snows are receding from our forests in early spring. It has delicate white and pink blooms with a heady, sweet fragrance.
Download the latest issue of our newsletter to see what is happening:
The Scotia GardenerCurrent Issue
Nova Scotia Association of Garden Clubs
Convention 2025
June 13 - 15, 2025
St. Francis Xavier University
Antigonish, NS
Growing for a Better World
Program, Convention Registration Form (PDF/Online), Convention Accommodations, Speaker Bios, Floral Art Competition, Vendor Registration.

Hello and welcome to the website for the Nova Scotia Association of Garden Clubs.
Gardening is a wonderful hobby and, for some of us, a passion! Garden clubs provide opportunities to share this passion with fellow gardeners. As Chair of the Association, I look forward to having the privilege of meeting and working with garden club members from all over the province as we continue to build the gardening community in Nova Scotia.
If you are interested in gardening or getting together with other gardeners, please consider attending a club meeting near you. Whether you are new to gardening or an experienced gardener, you will be warmly welcomed.
On behalf of all the members of our Association, thank you for visiting our website. I hope you enjoy browsing it and who knows? Maybe I'll meet you at our annual conference in the spring!

Deb Bowes-Lyon,
Chairperson, Nova Scotia Association of Garden Clubs
About the Nova Scotia Association of Garden Clubs
In the 1940s a number of horticultural societies sprang up in Nova Scotia to answer the call of the Rural Beautification Project. Its goal was to beautify the province, support local gardeners and encourage the growth of nurseries. As the years passed, lovely gardens, landscaped properties and retail nurseries appeared. The Department of Agriculture and Marketing, along with the Nova Scotia Agricultural College, decided it would be helpful to host an event to bring together gardeners from one end of the province to the other. In 1954 they initiated what was to become a tradition—an annual conference where garden club members could meet each other, enjoy tours of local gardens and gather for a banquet that featured a special guest speaker. The first conference was held in Truro and was a resounding success. At a conference held the following year a new organization came into being: the Nova Scotia Association of Garden Clubs.
NSAGC Initiatives
Over the decades the Association has been part of many initiatives. Here is a look at contributions in the early years:
- Running Best Community Project competitions
- Lobbying for larger fines for littering roadsides
- Starting an annual garden photo competition (1960)
- Instituting a provincial Garden Quiz
- Approving an NSAGC logo (1964)
- Awarding the Centennial Scholarship in Horticulture (1967)
- Setting up a Flower Show Judging School
- Awarding a Gardener of the Year Award (1968)
- Voicing of ecological concerns (1969) about non-returnable containers, exploitation of beaches and the effluent being discharged into Boat Harbour
- Having the provincial government declare the first week of June as Provincial Gardening Week
The Association continues to be active in keeping Nova Scotia a beautiful place to live.
Advantages of NSAGC Membership
There are distinct advantages to belonging to an organization that seeks to foster the growth of the gardening community across the entire province.
To help with this goal, the province has been divided into districts. Each district has its own NSAGC Director. Directors support the clubs in their region by liaising between those clubs and the Association. Directors are ready to assist the clubs in various ways and to act as a resource for local club presidents.
Highlights of benefits:
- Insurance coverage benefits (3rd party liability $2 million)
- Quarterly newsletters with:
- Reports from garden clubs throughout the province
- Information on events and activities
- Articles of interest to gardeners in Nova Scotia
- Reduced fee to attend the annual NSAGC Convention
- Local nursery and garden retail discounts
- Free plant each year
- Opportunities to become involved not only in local clubs but also at the provincial level as a regional Director or member of the Association Executive
Review a full list of advantages.
Annual Convention, an NSAGC Tradition
The most eagerly awaited event of the year occurs in the spring when the Association hosts a convention where club members meet and exchange ideas, make friends, learn about the latest gardening trends and enjoy local gardening attractions. Convention locations rotate to a different region each year so that clubs have the opportunity to showcase their area of the province.
The convention provides an opportunity to learn about all things gardening during the speakers' presentations. This includes a keynote speaker at the Saturday evening banquet. There is a marketplace at the convention and local vendors are invited to showcase their products and provide an opportunity to shop for your gardening needs.
The Floral Art Competition allows garden clubs to display their flower arranging skills under several categories. The photo competition takes place before the convention, but the photos of the entrants and winners in each class are showcased during the event. There are also tours of private gardens that attendees may visit.
Deb Bowes-Lyon
The Chairperson is responsible for making sure that each Annual General meeting, Board meeting and Executive meeting is planned effectively, conducted according to the by-laws, follows an agenda, and that matters are dealt with in an orderly, efficient manner.
Vice Chairperson
Geoff MacDonald
The Vice Chairperson fills the role of the Chairperson in his/her absence and learns about the organization in order to fill the Chairperson position when the Chairperson's time is up.
Past Chairperson
Kathy d'Entremont
The Past Chairperson provides continuity to the Board and Executive and historical information such as past decisions and why they were made. The Past Chairperson brings nominations for the Executive and Board to the Annual General meeting for voting and approval by the membership.
Melissa Weir
The Secretary documents the Annual General meetings, the Board meetings and the Executive meetings and distributes the minutes from those meetings. The Secretary is the recognized agent for NSAGC with the Registry of Joint Stock Companies. He/she maintains the various NSAGC documents and official seal.
Susan Hazelwood
The Treasurer maintains custody of the NSAGC funds, keeps accurate financial records and prepares financial reports and a budget for approval at the appropriate meetings. The Treasurer also maintains the Tags and Seals inventory.
The province is divided into 8 NSAGC Districts, with each district being overseen by a District Director. The District Directors are the link between the garden clubs and the NSAGC Board and as such they represent their clubs as members of the Board.
Cape Breton District #1
Glynis Thomas
The Cape Breton District covers all of Cape Breton Island.
Eastern District #2
Anne Gratton
The Eastern District covers Pictou, Antigonish and Guysborough counties.
Central North District #3
Beate Acker
The Central North District covers Cumberland County and the northern part of Colchester County.
Central South District #3
Brenda Grasser
The Central South District covers the southern part of Colchester County and East Hants.
Halifax District #4
Nancy MacCara
The Halifax District covers the Halifax Regional Municipality.
Valley District #5
Lori Reid
The Valley District covers West Hants, Kings County and Annapolis County east of Bridgetown.
South Shore District #6
Emily Liot
The South Shore District covers Lunenburg, Queens and Shelburne Counties.
Western District #7
Kathryn Davidson
The Western District covers Annapolis County from Bridgetown west and Digby and Yarmouth Counties.
Membership Coordinator
Liz Hill
The Membership Coordinator ensures that clubs submit their membership renewals each year and supports clubs that want to join NSAGC.
Kathy d'Entremont
The Awards Chairperson is responsible for organizing and executing the annual NSAGC Awards activities and events. Presentation of the awards takes place at the annual convention.
Pamela MacLean
The Historian is responsible for managing and updating the NSAGC historical records and publishing a summary of the organization's activities every five year.
Debbie Innes
The Newsletter Editor is responsible for organizing, publishing and distribution of the NSAGC quarterly newsletters, the Scotia Gardener.
Photo Contest
Sharon Bryson
The Photo Contest Chairperson is responsible for organizing and executing the annual NSAGC Photo Contest. The winners of the contest are announced at the annual convention.
Plant Giveaway
Janet Patterson, Janet Rose
The Plant Giveaway Chairperson(s) is responsible for ordering and distribution of the plants that are given to members of the NSAGC clubs annually.
Website Content
Susan Hazelwood
The Website Content Chairperson is responsible for ensuring that the content of the website is up-to-date and accurate. He/she is the liaison between the Website developer and the board.
Website Index
- Find a garden club and contact information using an interactive map
- Find a nursery and contact information using an interactive map
- How to join a garden club
- Benefits of being a garden club member
- How to start a garden club
- How your garden club can join NSAGC
- NSAGC meeting minutes
- Membership assessment letter & form
- Benefits of NSAGC club membership
- How to join NSAGC
- Insurance coverage & form
- Outstanding members awards
- Plant sale guide
- Creating childrens' workshops
- Hosting a district meeting
- Annual plant giveaway
- Photo contest galleries, rules & classes
- Calendar of upcoming events
- Horticultural associations & organizations
- Public gardens across Nova Scotia
- Message from our Chairperson
- About NSAGC
- Our History
- Our Team